Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Time to resurrect the blog

It's definititely been a while, but I thought it might be about time to update the blog. The reason for a definite lack of adventurous weekends has been this:
After many, many Saturdays looking at many, many houses, and waiting (mostly) patiently for the vendor to come down to our price, we are finally in!
Here are a few photos (its much better in the flesh though - means you all need to come and visit :)

(ignore the washing)
The second reason for updating the blog is that I've just started two weeks of leave (yay) and suddenly find myself with a bit of spare time on my hands. One of my main goals for my break is to make significant inroads into cleaning up the backyard. It is big, steep, full of bush and neglected. The previous owners cut down some big trees about 10yrs ago and have left all the wood just lying around. After discovering termites in one of the piles, I really, really want that wood gone. The only catch is that the access around the back of the house is via a small gate, a narrow staircase and a rock scramble. Means that the wood can only really be moved by hand one piece at a time :(
Here's an idea of what I am up against:
This is one woodpile. There are five altogether.
Oh - and Ryan is away right now. Sigh.
Another goal for my break is to also get re-acquainted with my (much-neglected) bikes. This should be a bit more fun :) Except that I took my mountain bike out today to explore the bush reserve that is our new front yard and managed to have a stack (slippery rock - bike went one way and I went the other). Chickened out then and rode on the tar. So that one's off to a good start.
Anyway, tomorrow is slated for moving wood (and setting termite traps). We'll see how long my motivations lasts...
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  1. I am still jealous of that bookshelf! I hope you get the confidence back on the bike soon to.

  2. We were surprised we actually had that many books. We kept unpacking more and more
