Sunday, October 23, 2011

Random Things

So it's Sunday. My last official day of holidays (sigh). Here's a few random things to summarize the rest of my break:
1. I successfully dumped that load of wood. The tip was SCARY - I weighed the BT in, got vague directions from the woman at the weighbridge, dodged through dozens of trucks to find the organic section of the tip, drove in there and then was greeted by no signs, no helpful people, just huge piles of garden rubbish and lots of men driving heavy machinery. I have decided that it is worth driving 4.5hrs to dump all subsequent loads at the Gunningbland tip (where my parents live)(well - they don't live at the tip, but you know what I mean). This is simply a big hole in the ground where you drive in and dump your stuff (no gates, no people, no heavy machinery). It even looks slightly picturesque in the photo:
2. Caroline came to visit (and to stickybeak at our new house). Apart from catching up and lots of gossiping about Ryan in his absence, we also managed to spend some money. The entertainment unit we found (the original goal of our shopping trip) just happened to have a matching (heavily discounted) dining suite. I couldn't resist. Luckily Ryan approves of my choice :)

3. I went back to Parkes for a couple of days for my Nan's funeral - hence the comment about the tip. I didn't really have time (or motivation) to cart another load of wood, but I did take back a whole lotta packing boxes to throw away:
Nan was always a keen gardener and her garden in Parkes is beautiful, especially at this time of the year. We dropped in to see Pop, and found him sitting in his chair looking out over the flowers and saying that he felt like she was still there with him. I was reminded of her too by some irises in my parents garden which she had given to my Mum as bulbs. Beautiful.
In fact this really is a nice time of the year on the farm. All the wheat is just beginning to ripen, and everywhere are vistas of golden green against clear blue skies (although this photo is mostly of weeds :):

I also brought a few old friends back with me. I finished clearing the cupboards in my old bedroom at home, and a few cherished toys escaped the bin:

4. I cleaned. I never want to see another venetian blind in my life ever.
5. Ryan came home on Friday. I think the jetlag is just now starting to catch up with him. I'm glad he's back :)
6. Ryan's family came for a cousin's wedding and stayed with us for the weekend. The wedding was at the beachside in Terrigal and was beautiful (how many times can I use the word beautiful in one post?). While the boys were here, they also managed to fix our antenna (note the carefully selected safety equipment - ie. thongs). Despite the whole rest of the street relying on Foxtel, thanks to a new amplifier we now have every digital channel. Thanks guys :)

And I think that about sums it up. Wishing I had another few weeks off to get the rest of my jobs done, but although I didn't make much progress with cleaning up the backyard, I did enjoy alot of time with my friends and extended family. Oh - and I never did quite make it back onto my bike. Guess there's always next weekend.
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