Sunday, November 6, 2011

This might take a while

Mission number one for the weekend: sleep in.
Consider that mission accomplished :)

Mission number two for the weekend: test ride the bike route from home to work.
I've been thinking that I really need to get back on the bike(s) and that commuting to work would be a good way to get fit again. I finally overcame the hurdle of stressing about riding in the traffic by scoping out a route that involves mostly back-streets and bike paths. Ryan and I test-rode (some of) it today. It was hot and very hilly and we only made it halfway :(
So that would be a fail.

Mission number three for the weekend: acquire PlayTV
This was more of a Ryan mission but because I drove him to the shops, I am claiming some of the credit. Scored it for $30 thanks to a 40% off sale at Myer (and an already discounted product - normally retails for around $100).

Mission number four for the weekend: get some more work done in the yard.
Well, we definitely made a significant difference to approximately one eighth of the yard. Sigh. Ryan took care of some overgrown saplings (definitely not trees because that would be against the council rules...) and I shoveled, swept and weeded clear the rock face down the side of the house. I thought it was a series of rock terraces, but once all the crap was cleared off, it turned out to be just one BIG slab of rock. I can only imagine how much it must have sucked to build our house...

More before:
And after:
I know it probably doesn't look like much, but we moved a LOT of dead leaves, dirt, grass, weeds and the occasional random dog toy. Now we just have to figure out what to do with this:

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