Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Canada - Day 6 (Sun Peaks to Jasper)

More driving. We found ourselves once again surrounded by snow-capped mountains, which were getting progressively higher and snowier (lots more photos through the windscreen).

Racing a train (these trains were amazingly long and therefore not very fast)(so not really much of a race)

We stopped at Rearguard Falls, which was more of a broad step-down in the river rather than a waterfall in the traditional sense. The water was rushing past just metres from the viewing platform, and we got wet with spray (and the occasional bigger splash) as we watched a group of white water rafters launch their boat just downstream.

Rearguard Falls

Plenty of white water

As these guys are about to find out...

Random shot at the carpark

There weren’t really many other stops along this section of road, although the driving itself remained spectacular. As we continued north, the view became dominated by Mount Robson (the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies). The summit was (surprise) hidden in cloud, but what we could see of the mountain was impressive enough. We pulled over at the Visitor’s Centre to have a look and stretch our legs.

Mount Robson


From there, we made the final drive into Jasper.The town felt very small (pretty much consisted of about three parallel streets) but was surrounded by impressive peaks, and it was disconcerting to see the snow so close while we basked in temperatures of about 25 degrees.

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