Sunday, July 5, 2015

(Another) Intermission - New Norfolk Weekend

Back to the southern hemisphere for this post...

My parents are currently visiting Tasmania for a few weeks, so we took the opportunity to catch up with them this weekend down in New Norfolk.

This is the weekend in pictures (warning: may contain fungus...)

Told you :-)

Saturday - Mount Field National Park

Plateau on the drive up to Lake Dobson (and snow!)

Looks peaceful, but was freezing cold and blowing a gale

Lake Dobson

Boardwalk around the lake (we chickened out after venturing this far)(too cold...)

Getting distracted along the walk to Russell Falls 
(back down at the bottom of the park)(and out of the snow)

The walk took a long time...

There were some other distractions 

But mostly we wasted time with these

Russell Falls

The creek below the falls

So much fungi, so little time... 
(and here my parents were thinking they would be the slow ones on this walk)

Walking further up to Horseshoe Falls

Creek between the two falls

Horseshoe Falls

Random tourists

And more fungus

My Dad was unable to resist joining in the fun

Night-shot of the river back at the caravan park (still no luck with stars - too many clouds)

Sunday - Gordon River Road to Strathgordon

Driving up with low clouds covering the surrounding hills 

Misty view over Lake Pedder

Ted's Beach (was the name of the campground at this spot, this is clearly not the beach...)

More views over Lake Pedder

Interesting fungus (looks like coral)

Moss is also fun to photograph when you run out of fungus

Roadside view

Gordon Dam (Dad and Ryan are the two tiny specks you can see walking along the wall)

Looking down to Gordon River at the bottom

Lake Gordon

Everybody is a comedian...

Serpentine Dam

And last but not least - you guessed it: fungus!


  1. Thank you for sharing a lovely two days with us. The photos of the fungi are exquisite!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Looks spectacular!!!
    Imagine the pressure on that concrete dam wall...
