Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Canada - Day 5 (Whistler to Sun Peaks)

Back to Canada…

Thursday was a driving day. We left Whistler (still without seeing Whistler Mountain itself which remained hidden in the clouds) and headed north towards Kamloops. The drive was spectacular. I took so many photos of snow-capped mountains through the windscreen, not realizing that we would be completely surrounded by them in a few days time.

One of many peaks along the way

Every point of interest was signposted and we made several stops to do short walks and take photos. The first was Nairn Falls, where an easy 1.5km walk took us upstream along the river to where the falls were roaring through the rocks (good time to see waterfalls when all the snow is melting). We actually encountered a snake on the way back, and did the only sensible thing – stopped and took lots of photos :-)

Nairn Falls

Of all the man-eating animals to be concerned about in Canada, I didn't think I would need to be on the lookout for snakes...

Our next stop was Joffre lakes. There was the option of hiking through the valley to see several lakes in the chain, but with a long way still to drive, we elected to take a short walk just to the banks of the first.

First lake

We pulled in briefly to a roadside stop next to Duffy Lake, which was jammed with logs at one end, and reflected the distant snowcaps at the other.

The view north - logjam

The view south - Hyundai ad (our hire car)

Following a lunchstop in Lillooet, the landscape began to open up, and we found ourselves driving through open valleys flanked by steep, rocky slopes.

Change in scenery

And weather

Our final stop was at Marble Canyon. This wasn’t really much of a canyon, but another clear blue-green lake fringed with reeds.

Rather than staying overnight in Kamloops, we decided to continue on a little further to Sun Peaks resort (recommended by Kevin and Jill via Frank). This was a cute little ski village (a smaller, quainter version of Whistler), but it was pretty much deserted (our visit falling between the winter skiing season and the summer mountain biking season). Ryan had managed to contract a serious case of the Canadian man-flu, so we took it easy with a short walk around the village, then enjoyed watching the deer and squirrels from our hotel window.

View from our window

Sun Peaks streets (clearly very busy)

Apparently this helps with the man-flu...

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