Saturday, June 13, 2015

Canada - Day 1 (Vancouver)

This entry is brought to you from 40,000 feet somewhere over Idaho…

We started our official exploration of Vancouver the best way possible – on bikes. And started with the most obvious destination – Stanley Park (just up the road from Frank’s place).This was our first taste of Canadian forest, with its massive trees, dark, mossy interior and the occasional squirrel. Ryan and Frank also spotted an otter scampering across the rocks into the sea.

Totem poles in Stanley Park

Bike path around the park

We extended the ride by continuing along False Creek. It was fun to see all the other people out riding, walking, running and rollerblading, and the whole waterfront precinct was beautiful.

Obligatory photos with the "laughing" statues out the front of Frank's place (we watched people do this all day from the 14th floor)(and couldn't help ourselves)

After lunch, Frank took us for “Frank’s official driving tour of Vancouver – Part 1: Northside”. We stopped at the base of Grouse Mountain (one of the peaks overlooking the city), but elected not to take the (moderately expensive) gondola to the top, instead hatching a cunning plan to come back and hike the trail up. We also saw the Cleveland Dam and drove up Cypress mountain (enjoying the view back over the city on the way up).

Snowcaps in the distance over Cleveland Dam

View from the dam wall

View over Vancouver from partway up Cypress Mountain (the greenery at the right-hand side of the bridge is Stanley Park)

From there, we dropped into Horseshoe Bay (where the ferry departs for Vancouver Island) and followed the coast back to Whytecliff Park, with a final stop at a small rocky outcrop set at the bottom of a pretty little street that Frank had discovered by accident, but has become one of his favourite stops. From there we enjoyed views of the big container ships coming in and out of the bay.

Vantage point in Whytecliff Park

And the track to get there

Watching the ships from Frank's secret spot

After all that driving, we were planning on rewarding ourselves with a world-famous Stanley Park chocolate milkshake (well – Craig had one there once and said it was the best he had ever tasted)(it has now become a thing of legend). I guess his claim will have to remain unchallenged, because (much to our thirsty disappointment), the cafĂ© there no longer sold them. We settled instead for ice-cream and coffee (no prizes for guessing who got which).

The view we could have been enjoying over chocolate milkshakes...

Sunset from Frank's place

Dusk (taken about 10.30pm)

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