Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kakadu - Jim Jim Falls

So we finally made it to Jim Jim!

The walk into the gorge here was about 1km - skirting the side of a peaceful looking pool (sporting croc traps and warning signs to stay away from the edge)(with the occasional illiterate tourist sunbaking on the waterside rocks). The path then turned to rock scrambling, then climbing over progressively larger boulders which tumbled down into the final pool.

The falls themselves were not much more than a fine spray of water, which was just a damp slick on the rocks by the time it reached the bottom. But the pool there was huge and clear (and cold judging by the shouts of various people brave enough to swim)(crocs couldn't get in past all the rocks). It was pretty crowded with tourists (obviously seeking it out as one of the few places in Kakadu safe enough to swim), but we stayed for a while anyway watching for fish and enjoying the shade of the towering gorge walls. Neither of us were daring enough to actually get wet (not sure what could be lurking in the black depths of the water)(although Ryan at least put his feet in).

We were planning to also climb the escarpment at Jim Jim, but by the time we walked out of the gorge it was stinking hot and after another look at the hillside above us (and what was promising to be a hard/long/steep scramble) we elected instead to go back to the campground and relax. This ended up being even more chockers, albeit with a different crowd, but still a nice enough place to stay.

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