Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 3 - Guy Fawkes River National Park

Our original plan had been to continue up the coast until we reached Bogangar, then return inland, but with the less-than-ideal weather (and with more predicted on the way), we decided to chase the sun instead. Some route planning based mostly on the BOM radar image and partly on the NPWS website, led us to Guy Fawkes River National Park.

We took a detour to a small dot on the map labelled Ebor Falls, and discovered this:

The lower falls were obscured by a curtain of misty cloud billowing around the lookout. The mist eventually thinned enough to allow a limited view down the valley.

We were both surprised by the scale of the falls, given that they would be easily overlooked on the map.

 We continued on into Guy Fawkes River National Park via a long, rough forestry road. We chose at random to stay at Chaelundi Campground, which we had completely to ourselves. The weather was somewhat better, with light rain one minute, clearing to blue skies and sun the next, then reverting to rain again (and again and again, continuing all afternoon and through the night, but never enough to get us seriously wet).

We walked out to Lucifer's Thumb -  a point on the bluff which overlooked the Guy Fawkes River snaking along the base of the valley.

Happily, there was ample firewood provided at the campground. Unfortunately it was all soaked. And it was COLD. We somehow managed to coax some flames from a combination of semi-dry twigs and leftover wood from Crowdy Bay, and soon had a roaring fire. Warming ourselves by the flames with the dark pressing around, the stars above (intermittently) and no-one else for dozens of kilometres - this has to be one of the best parts of camping :-)
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