Monday, October 4, 2010

Corroboree Billabong

Sorry about the recent lack of posts (nothing much to report) BUT to make up for it we spent this weekend out on a houseboat on Corroboree Billabong.

Ryan's parents and some family friends lined it all up as part of their visit to Darwin, and we didn't take much convincing once there was an offer to tag along :) (Despite horrified looks from colleagues whenever I mentioned that we were going to be sleeping out there with the crocs).

(If Verelle is reading this - please note that we stayed a good safe distance away from all the crocs, and no one was ever in any danger)(and you should probably stop reading now)

The houseboat was pretty much a giant pontoon with a deck stuck on top. It had six beds (two doubles and two bunks), was two stories high (which made it perfect for catching the wind and blowing off course), had a nice big deck out the front (good for enjoying the breeze), what became "the fishing deck" out the back, and a nice BIG fence all the way around.

We pretty much spent the entire weekend puttering up and down the river, enjoying the scenery and trying to catch fish. The river was very scenic - a wide channel lined by pandanus palms and giant lillypads, and sporting an abundance of wildlife (including the repitilian kind).

On our first night out, I think we might have accidentally tied up right where a big male croc had his favourite mudslide (we only saw the footprints in the mud after we had tied up). He lurked constantly around the boat, and during the evening surfaced just a few metres off our rear deck to check us out. No one got much sleep that night...

Despite much fishing, we really didn't have that much success with the barra. Ryan did manage one keeper (in the post below), and the final tally stood at 2 barra, 2 saratoga and 4 catfish. Despite high hopes with my two favourite lures (George and Not-George), I failed miserably.

Ryan's fish was caught trawling off the back deck (actually hit while he was reeling in his other line and not paying much attention). Unfortunately, at the same time he called out for us to stop, the boat also ran out of petrol, the motor died and we proceeded to drift into a nice big stand of pandanus palms. There were people running everywhere and shouting orders all over the place. Luckily, with a changeover to another tank, some judicious pushing and expert wielding of the net, disaster was averted and the fish was safely on board :)

Overall, it was a very pleasant weekend amongst some very beautiful scenery. AND no one got eaten (which is always a bonus up here).

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